Need to know if your property is subject to the CARES Act? Check out this flow chart for answers CARES Act FlowChart

Check here  to see if your property is subject to the CARES Act. 

HAA Vice President at Large Stephanie Graves, Q10 Properties Advisors, breaks down the CARE ACT. Is Your Property Subject to the CARES Act? (YouTube Video)


TAA has created a TAA resource page and email for questions

TAA Webinars can be found here (login to TAA site required)

TAA has updated the “Payment Plan Agreement” for members who opt to offer residents options for extending rent payments. They also have a “Notice of Temporary Waiver of Late Fees.” Access these two new sample forms. (login required) These are also available in TAA REDBOOK Online in both Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word versions, and also to TAA Click & Lease users now in a print-only form, and as forms you can complete through Click & Lease.

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NAA has also created a NAA Resource page and email for questions

NAA Webinars can be found here

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Cleaning Supplies - PPE FAQs