The PAC is the political action committee of the Houston Apartment Association, a non-profit trade association representing the Houston apartment industry. The Century Club is a level of participation for the fund.

The PAC participates in local and state political campaigns, helping candidates who support the apartment industry and its supplier businesses. 

Non-voting membership in the Century Club is only $100. Century Club members can attend all regular HAABGF functions. Voting membership in the Century Club is $125.  Century Club members with “voting membership” will have their vote represented by an elected Century Club representative.  The Century Club Representative will have one vote for each $500 contributed by Century Club members with “voting membership.”  

The PAC meetings occur “as needed,” usually about 10 times a year, depending on the election season. 

To join the PAC, make your non-corporate check payable to HAA PAC. We cannot accept corporate checks.  Contributions are not tax-deductible. 

Contact  Alex Chadwell for more information and to sign up for the club.